Category Co-op

A Fond Adieu

I love fondue. I have always been a fan of word play. That is why the title of this post is such. Well, that and I am a bit, how would you say? Eccentric. Be that as it may, I have an announcement. My job at the Co-op is changing. I am no longer the […]

New Food and Friends in High Places

December! A great month for food, friends, and taking the opportunity to try new things. This particular month, the cooks have created amazing menus for the downtown and Cordata co-ops. If you haven’t checked them out yet, do so. But even greater is that once a week on Fridays, the kitchen comes up with an […]

One Ton of Kale

I was speaking with James Aikins, Downtown Co-op Kitchen manager today, and he told me something I had no words for. It was the first time in a long time that I was actually speechless. His kitchen goes through about one ton of organic kale every month. That is 2000 pounds of kale working its way […]

Turkey and Cheeseballs and Truffles…..oh, my.

There is a feeling I get when the holidays are fast approaching. It is a blend of excitement, jubilation, anticipation, and yes, a bit of dread. Mostly, I am excited about all the food. There is so much scrumptious food to eat in the deli this time of year, and one of my favorites, the […]

The Magic of Food

The best times I have ever had have been in kitchens; either my own, a friend’s, or at my place of work. There is magic in kitchens and magic in food. That is why working at The Co-op has been fantastical. I get to be a small part of the joy of people coming together […]